
Central Slovak Gallery
Dolná 141/8
975 90 Banská Bystrica

IČO: 35984929
DIČ: 2021427078



Mgr. Miloslava Borošová Michalcová, PhD.

[email protected]

[email protected]

+421 48 470 16 12


Deputy Director

Mgr. et Mgr. art. Zuzana Medzihorská

[email protected]

+421 907 592 947

Asistent of the Director

Mgr. Daniela Krnáčová

[email protected]

+421 48 47 016 15

PR manager

Mgr. art. Michael Luzsicza ArtD.

[email protected]

+421 48 470 16 12


Mgr. Zuzana Leškanič Majlingová

[email protected]

Mgr. Mira Keratová, PhD.

[email protected]

Mgr. Daniela Čarná, PhD.

[email protected]

+421 48 470 16 12

Gallery Educators

Mgr. Martina Martincová 

Mgr. et Mgr. art. Zuzana Medzihorská

[email protected]

+421 48 470 16 24

+421 917 294 527


Božena Březinová

[email protected]

+421 48 470 16 17

Head of Exhibition Department

Mgr. Ivan Žirka

[email protected]

+421 48 470 16 13

Property Manager



Depository Manager and
Exhibition Technician

František Dvořák

[email protected]


Bc. Norbert Nečada

[email protected]

+421 48 470 16 20

Head of the Economic Section


Human Resources and Accountant

Darina Karasová

[email protected]


Žaneta Hatalová

[email protected]

+421 48 470 16 16


Mgr. Mária Bebejová

[email protected]

+421 48 470 16 13


Buildings of the Central Slovakian Gallery:

Bethlen’s house – [email protected], +421 48 47 016 15
Praetorium – [email protected], +421 48 412 48 64
Villa of Dominik Skutezky – [email protected], +421 48 412 54 50