We invite you to the opening of the exhibition
This (Not) is Skutezky! Originals and Attributed Works – Copies and Forgeries?
and the launch of the catalog.
Please enter! Vila Dominika Skutezkého.
The exhibition of examined works is divided into 2 sections: ORIGINALS and ATTRIBUTED WORKS. Each work represents a different specific category from the point of view of the originality of the work, such as: confirmed original; secondary repainted original; work from the author’s circle; contemporary copy; copy or fake?; unconfirmed authorship – unknown author; unconfirmed authorship – oil print technique. The selected presentation of the works follows up on the project “Restoration and research of Dominik Skutecký’s paintings” which ran between 2018-2020 for the purpose of preparing the reinstallation of the painter’s permanent exhibition.
During the course of the research project, we gained new knowledge related to the painting and technical processes of the artist’s work. The exhibited paintings provide an example of the various doubts and questions that arose during the verification of their dating, identification, artistic and technical aspects, or the confirmation of the authorship of the work itself. The presented works were acquired for the collections of state cultural institutions (Central Slovak Gallery, Slovak National Gallery, Central Slovak Museum) mainly by purchase from unspecified sources, while the archives do not possess their expert evaluations or other documentation confirming the authorship, provenance, or dating of the works.
Katarína Minka Baraníková
Exhibition Curator: Katarína Minka Baraníková
Restorer: Miroslav Slúka
Location: Vila Dominika Skutezkého, Horná 55, Banská Bystrica
Opening Date: April 3, 2024, at 5:00 PM / Wednesday
Exhibition Duration: April 4, 2024 – March 30, 2025
The exhibition is supported by Fond na podporu umenia a Fond výtvarných umení.
The Stredoslovenská galéria is Banskobystrický samosprávny kraj.