Painting in the Garden

Painting in the Garden

 /  Villa of Dominik Skutezky

In the summer months, we organize a creative workshop in the garden of the family villa of Dominik Skutezky, inspired by the memoirs of Peter Karvaš. He was a painter’s grandson as he captured in his autobiographical novel In the Nest. In the garden’s arms, the participants listen to a compelling reading of the work that reveals the secrets of the garden at the time of Karvaš’s childhood. One’s own ideas, accompanied by reading and staying in the garden, can be put down on paper by drawing or painting.

Practical information:

Please pre-order each program by e-mail or phone. The program is realized according to the specifics of the target group and age of participants.

Duration: 60 min.

Recommended no. of participants: up to 20-25 children.